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I gather myself deep into a hard pebble, a little metallic touchstone. The tiny hard thing is my I am I, I am that I am. In social conditions, below rooftops, while being observed, while failing to observe, when the vapours of sticky shame swirl about my head and I lose this thing, this thing saves me. This tiny green emerald is a looking glass which puts me in my true position in the universe. That is, the centre. Yet I am a powerless centre, I stand below enourmous systems of cosmic winds blowing over the surface of the Earth. Brutality is the essential nature of the relationship between universe and conscious observer.  

Ep.011: I am I


all holed up. like a rattlesnaek
i eat eggs whole and my mid section is lumpy
i break the egg inside im all humpty dumpty
last night i had the child dream remembrance again
it was in a punk house this this time
and there was an orchestra of unpractised
disconsanance. the maestro wave he drum 
sticks around the room, telling who to play
what and drumming like a speed freak
ripping down the interstate in a hot rod
& generally fucking the good fuck
he got mad frustrated at the kids who 
couldnt hold the time, couldnt keep a steady
something. he look at me he say you
play guitar? i nodded short and fast like a little 
boy. then i got on and played 8 notes over 
and over and it was steady, and it was kinky
and we got along good and made a lot of noise
eventually i got very bored and rolled over
and waited for my attention queen to get over
it. I dont like to drive fucked up after the sun comes
up, i said, stealing words from a real hustler of
the americas, magnet of blessings and spender of them.
i dropped her home, we talked about the 
impossibility of love,
i went home, i feel asleep at 7:30 am,
i woke up at noon, washed and spent from
the blow and the noise, and like a zombie i reorganized my room,
i put my bed on the ground under the window, i put
the bed frame like a cage around the couch,
i went back to sleep, i woke up at 2, i ate a huge bowl
of pasta and went back to sleep uncomfortably full.
i woke up at five and showered. i popped the black
heads on my face. i got dressed cuddy i went
to the coffee shop, i talked to my twin,
and here i am. waiting for time to pass.
always waiting. time always passing. it's unbearable.

i like seeing myself as future christ
i become frustrated when i misuse 
grammar....wondering which of the 
spheres i lay within are worth
the use....................what's the use
when i become future christ
i'll blast the movement in to place
i mean my own, my bruiser vice
i'll finish last i'll win the race
there's always death beneath the whim
im wanting her im killing him
some die of cancer some die of aids
you only get crucified when you're awake
death is easy it's embarrasing to die
and i am i am i am i

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