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Ep. 006: MYself

every time'ah leave the house
some dead grey matters around me
i crouch low to the pavement to catch 
a scent
& i walk & walk & so on
big bounding
circles permeating strange cities
sometimes i can afford food
& sometimes the streets can't 
afford me
i glance off every attraction
as illusion
disillusioned me mumbling soundtracks
or the ching a ding check of
western union money transfer
animals dont notice me & everybody
is drunk or getting there
hunched i blend time like
a disillusioned frankenstein
how the cup runneth dry 
by bastard human's flowing time 

2 am plastic cups walk circles in the street
drag they feet
must have been the nothing they eat



poor art,
what insufficient
dealers you


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Disintrusion. Every action of little monk seems to be itself and an image of itself, as tho he were always standing above a bay of glassy water. In the shady side lounge he found 'isself. Best of all 'ee was found on the only couch in the room, monk's preffered mode of repose. monk looked up where the most interesting objects were. chandaliers of stained glass, endless audio cable, turning lights making neon moonbeams in the haze 'o the room, oscillating unstable ceiling fans, everything moving back and forth again to the constant waves of sounds, walls of vibration, bouncing front to back again like an office scanner, and dancing about all this complexity were tiny faeries, buggy and dusty but glistening like rubies and chattering in their  breathless clicks and shudderings. 

the time has flown like it's supposed to. i was approached by a prophet, or if you'd rather a testifier, as i knew i would, his body looked to be held in absolute control and he had long black wormlike scars down his back forming an X. He explained the truth of being a body in an infinite body. He explained the dual nature of emptiness, that which holds our world together.Just a little bit of rain. it filled up my boots for two days and then it became sunny and humid and then justsunny and hot.

i really just play the fool all day long. tall and kinda dumb, that's how i'd like to be remembered. somehow it's my way of making myself buffer. im reconciled to the blues

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